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Prof. A.I. Sanni




Prof. A.I. Sanni||University of Ibadan

Abiodun Isiaka SANNI


Academic and Professional Qualifications

B.Sc (Unijos), M.Sc(Ibadan), Ph.D (Ibadan)






Area of Specialisation


Food Microbiology/Biotechnology




Department of Botany & Microbiology,

Faculty of Science,University of Ibadan.             



Tel:  234 8023341920, 234 8066267254

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(i)    Completed

Summary of my completed research works can be categorised as follows:       

(a)   Microbial Taxonomy

Scientific information was provided on the associated microorganisms of the fermented products studied. Characterization of the microbes using both phenotypic and biochemical methods were carried out. Some of the fermented products and isolates were reported for the first time. Microbial taxonomy is an essential phase in the study of any fermentation process. This is because biotechnological typing of the isolates cannot be done without the knowledge of the identities of the associated microorganisms of any fermenting matrix.


 (b)    Biochemical Studies


Since fermented foods form a substantial part of the diet in sub-Saharan Africa, research efforts were geared towards providing information on the biochemical status of some of these food products. Some of the papers reported the biological ennoblement resulting from fermentation of the raw materials, while enzyme activities were also monitored. Of note is the effect of galactosidase treatment on soybeans. It was observed that the treatment not only significantly reduced the anti-nutritional constituents of the beans; the soymilk prepared from the treated beans had a ‘vanilla-like’ aroma and acceptable taste, as opposed to the usual off-flavour characteristic of the unfermented and untreated soymilk. Information provided in some of the studies can be advanced to yield economic benefits.



(c)    Upgrade of Fermentation Processes

The preparation of fermented foods in sub-Saharan Africa is still a traditional family art based on old recipes transmitted from generation to generation. Research efforts were made to transform the above from the traditional art to science. Some of the works provided steps for optimization of the traditional processes with a view to obtaining consistent product’s quality. The use of starter-cultures (singly and mixed) featured prominently in some of the studies. The production of sour maize bread using lactic starters was regarded as innovative by a reviewer of the journal that published the article.

Formulated fermented weaning and adult foods with improved nutritional profile, formed part of the research efforts. Such food products e.g. Ghanaian Banku, was used for an intervention study to arrest kwashiorkor in a study site in Ghana during my study leave.


(d)     Soil and Environmental Microbiology

Few of the works provided information on the continued soil improvement in alley cropping by employing appropriate strains of Rhizobium. The usefulness of this study the farmers in sub-Saharan Africa cannot be over-emphasized. Biotyping of Pseudomonas species that can be further developed as a potential hydrocarbon biodegraders was carried out in one of the studies. However, more studies will need to be carried out to determine their bioremediation ability.


(e)     International Collaborative Research

A project on ‘Ogi-Technology of West African fermented food from sorghum and maize’ was funded by SAREC (Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries) for 3 years in University of Lund, Sweden. The project provided database for small-scale industrial production of ogi by optimizing the processing conditions. Some of the lactic acid bacteria strains identified produced ogi with final pH of less than 4.0 within 6 hours when used as starters. Another project on ‘Development of a cereal-yoghurt based on sorghum’ was equally sponsored by the same Agency for 3 years. Selected probiotic strains of Lactobacillus with ability to colonize human intestinal mucosa, achieve rapid Lactic acid fermentation of sorghum and also inactivate food pathogens, were used as candidate organisms.


In Ghana, the microbiological investigation of some of the works on USAID BEAN / COWPEA Collaborative Research Program of Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Ghana and Department of Food Science, University of Georgia, USA was carried out.


In the Laboratory of Biotechnology (Tropical Microbiology), Institute for Research and Development, Montpellier, France, efforts to characterize amylolytic lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional fermented foods in Nigeria using physiological and amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprint analysis, formed the main focus of our collaboration.


In the Institute für Hygiene und Toxikologie/BFEL, Germany, a 12- month Research Fellowship of Alexander von Humboldt was on “Characterization of Lactic Acid bacteria as starter cultures for the production of traditional fermented foods with health-promoting feature in sub-Saharan Africa” The specific objectives were: taxonomic characterization of LAB strains isolated from traditional fermented foods in Nigeria using molecular techniques such as restriction enzyme analysis (REA), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP), and or randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR); screening and characterization of the bacteriocins produced by the selected strains; determination of acidification potential, enzymatic activities, detection of health-promoting features such as barrier/restoration effects on diarrhoea, adherence and colonization resistance, stimulation of immune system, fermentation studies for the production of “health sogurt” etc.


(ii)     In Progress


   (a)   Process improvement of sour maize bread using lactic cultures

   (b)  A study of plasmids in relation to bacteriocin-production and

         drug resistance in lactic acid bacteria isolated from Nigerian

         fermented foods.

   (c) Microbiological and sensory evaluation of Bambara nut ‘tempeh’ 

  Scholarly Publications (well referenced)

(a)  Chapters in Books Already Published

1a. Sanni, A.I. (1992). Viruses. In Readings in Diversity of Plants. John West Publications, Lagos, Nigeria.

 1b. Sanni, A.I. (1992). Bacteria. In Readings in Diversity of Plants. John West Publications, Lagos, Nigeria.


Articles that have appeared in Learned Journals

 The publications are mainly in the area of FOOD MICROBIOLOGY, but with few in Soil/Environmental Microbiology.

 1. Sanni, A. I. (1988). Enzyme studies during the production of agadagidi            Amylase activities. Die Nahrung   32 (2), 159-161.  

2. Sanni, A. I. (1988). Enzyme studies during the production of agadagidi             Invertase activities. Die Nahrung   32 (2), 163-168.

 3. Sanni, A.I. and Oso, B.A. (1988). Nutritional studies on agadagidiDie            Nahrung   32 (2), 169-172.

 4.  Sanni, A. I. and Oso, B.A. (1989). The production of agadagidi, a Nigerian fermented alcoholic beverage. Die Nahrung  32 (2), 319-326.

 5.  Sanni, A.I. (1989).  Some environmental and nutritional factors affecting  growth of associated microorganisms of agadagidi. J. Basic  Microbiology  29 (9), 617-622.

 6.  Sanni, A.I. (1989).  Chemical studies on sekete beer. Food Chemistry  


  7.  Sanni, A.I. and Ogbonna, D.N. (1991). The production of owoh, a Nigerian fermented soup condiment from cotton seeds. Food Microbiology  8, 223 -  229.

8.  Sanni A.I. and Ogbonna, D.N. (1992).  Biochemical studies on owoh, a Nigerian fermented soup condiment from cotton seeds. Food Microbiology  9, 177-183.

 9.  Sanni, A.I. (1993).  The need for process optimization of African fermented foods and beverages. Inter. Jour. of Food Microbiology 18, 85 - 95. Read Abstract

 10.  Sanni, A.I. (1993).   Biochemical changes during the production of okpehe, a Nigerian fermented food condiment. Chem. Microbiol.Technol Lebensm  15 (3/4), 97-100.

 11. Sanni, A.I., Lie, E. and Lindberg, A.M. (1993). Fatty acid composition of Prosopis africana and its fermented product, okpehe. Chem. Microbiol. Technol. Lebensm   15 (3/4), 89 - 90.

 12. Sanni, A.I., Lonner, C. (1993). Identification of yeasts isolated from Nigerian traditional alcoholic beverages. Food Microbiology   10, 517 - 523.  Read Abstract

 13.  Sanni, A.I., Lonner, C., Marklinder, I., Johansson, M-L and Molin, G. (1994). Starter cultures for the production of ogi, a fermented infant food from maize and sorghum. Chem. Microbiol. Technol. Lebensm  16 (1/2), 29 -33. Read Abstract

 14.  Johansson, M.L., Sanni, A.I., Lonner, C. and Molin, G. (1995). Phenotypically -based taxonomy using API 50 CH of Lactobacilli from Nigerian ogi, and the occurrence of starch-fermenting strains. Inter Jour. of Food Microbiology.   25, 159-168. Read Abstract  

 15. Sanni, A.I., Ahrne, S and Onilude, A.A. (1995). Alpha-galactosidase production by six strains of Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from diverse sources.Jour of Basic Microbiol.   35 (6), 427 - 432.  

 16. Sanni, A.I., Fapohunda, E.M. and Onilude, A.A. (1995). Characteristic            properties of lactic acid bacteria isolated from rumen of maradi goats.Chem.Microbiol. Technol. Lebensm17 (3/4), 99 - 104.

 17. Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A. and Mbandi, E. (1996). Production of vinegar          from pineapple using starter cultures. Nig. Food Jour14, 37 - 41.

 18. Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A; and Ogundoye, D.R. (1997). Effect of bacterial       galactosidase treatment on the nutritional status of soybean and its milk derivative. Die Nahrung- Food41 (1), 18 - 21. Read Abstract

  19.  Sanni, A.I. and Onilude, A.A. (1997). Effect of temperature on the ethanol tolerance of yeasts isolated from traditional alcoholic beverages. Jour. of Sci. Research 3 (1) 75 - 77.

  20. Sanni, A.I. and Ekunsanmi, J.T. (1997). Physiological studies on osmophilic yeasts isolated from some high sugar substrates. Jour. of Sci. Research  3 (1) 61 -65.  

21. Sanni, A.I., and Onilude, A.A. (1997). Polygalaturonase production by L. plantarum OW 14 isolated from ogi. Jour. of Sci. Research 3(1) 78 -81.

 22. Sanni, A.I. and Onilude, A.A. (1997). Characteristics of Bacillus spp. isolated from okpehe, a fermented soup condiment from Prosopis africanaNig. Jour. Sci. 31 (1), 49 - 52.

 23. Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A. and Ibidapo, O.T. (1998). Biochemical                    composition of infant weaning food fabricated from fermented blends of cereal and soybean. Food Chemistry 65 (1), 35 - 39.  

 24. Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A. and Oguntoyinbo, F.A. (1998). Optimization of process conditions for owoh, a fermented cotton seed condiment. Adv. Food Sci. (CMTL)   20 (5/6), 163 - 167.

 25.  Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A. and Fatungase, M.O. (1998). Production of sour maize bread using starter cultures. World J. Microbiol Biotechnol. 14 (1), 101 - 106. Read Abstract

26.   Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A., Mulongoy, K and Ojeifo, A.A. (1998) Survival and persistence of Rhizobium strains in tropical alley cropping. Nig. Jour. Sci. 32 (1), 59 - 70.

 27.   Ekwenye, U. N. and Sanni, A. I. (1998) Characterization of yeasts isolated from fruits, honey and jam. Global Jour. of Pure & Appl. Sci. 4, 375-380.  

 28. Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A. and Ibidapo, O.T. (1999). Physico-chemical            characterization of formulated infant and adult food. Lebens. Unters Forsch-A 203 (13), 221 - 224.

 29.  Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A. and Adeleke, E.O. (1999). Nutritional composition of lactic acid fermented cowpea milk. Lebens. Unters  Forsch-A  203 (3) 225 - 229.  

 30. Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A., Ogunbanwo, S.T and Smith, S.I. (1999). Antagonistic activity of bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus spp. from ogi, an indigenous fermented food. J. Basic Microbiol39 (3),

 189 - 195.

 31.   Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A. and Momoh, M.O. (1999). Selection of starters and a starter-mediated novel procedure for production of wara, a West African soft cheese. Inter. Jour. Food Sci. and Technol.  34, 325 - 333.

 32.  Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A., Fadahunsi, I.F. and Afolabi, R.O. (1999). Microbial deterioration of traditional alcoholic beverages in Nigeria.  Food Research Intern.  32, 163 - 167.

 33.  Sefa-Dedeh, S., Sanni, A.I., Tetteh, G. and Sakyi-Dawson, E. (1999). Yeasts in the traditional brewing of pito in Ghana. World Jour. Microbiol. Biotechnol.  15 (5), 593 - 597.  

 34. Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A., Ogodo, O.O. and Fadahunsi, I.F. (1999).                Production of intracellular proteinase by Lactobacillus spp. isolated from indigenous fermented foods. Nig. Jour. Sci33, 333 - 341.

 35. Onilude, A.A., Sanni, A.I. and Ogunbanwo, S.T (1999). Drug resistance         plasmids in Lactobacillus spp. isolated from ogi, a Nigerian fermented cereal food. Nig. Jour. Sci33, 299 - 309.

 36. Onilude, A.A., Sanni, A.I., and Ighalo, M.I. (1999). Effect of process             improvement on the physico-chemical properties of infant weaning food from composite blends of cereal and soybeans.  Plant Foods for Human Nutr. 54, 239 - 250.

 37. Sanni, A.I., Sefa-Dedeh, S., Sakyi-Dawson, E., and Asiedu, M. (1999). Effect of processing conditions on the viscosity, in vitro protein and starch digestibility of ogi-baba, a Nigerian fermented sorghum gruel .Proceedings of the International Workshop on Cowpea Processing and Utilization. January, 1999, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.  pp. 23 - 28.

 38. Sanni, A.I., Sefa-Dedeh, S., Sakyi-Dawson, E., and Asiedu, M. (1999).          Microbiological evaluation of cowpea - fortified Ghanaian fermented Maize dough. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Cowpea Processing and Utilization. January, 1999, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana. pp. 80 - 86.

  39.  Sanni, A.I., Ayernor, G.S and Sakyi-Dawson, E. and Sefa-Dedeh, S. (2000). Aerobic spore-forming bacteria and chemical composition of some Nigerian fermented soup condiment. Plant Foods for Human Nutr. 55, 111-11   

40. Sanni, A.I., Ohenhen, R.E. and Onilude, A.A. (2000) Production of                  extracellular proteinase by Lactobacillus species isolated from traditional lcoholic beverage. Nigerian Jour. of Microbiology 14 (1), 55-61.

 41.  Sanni, A.I., Asiedu, M. and Ayernor, G.S (2001). Influence of processing       conditions on the nutritive value of ogi-baba, a Nigerian fermented sorghum gruel. Plant Foods for Human Nutr. 56, 217-223.  

42.  Falegan, C.R., Arowolo, J.A., Fagbohun, E.D. and Sanni, A.I. (2001). Antimicrobial activities of Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from palm wine and burukutuAfrican Jour. of Sci. 1, 30-37

 43. Sanni, A.I., Morlon-Guyot, J.P and Guyot J.P (2002). New efficient amylase- producing strains of Lactobacillus plantarum and L. fermentum isolated from Nigerian traditional fermented foods. Inter. Jour. Food Microbiology 72, 53-62

 Read Abstract  

44. Onilude, A.A., Sanni, A.I., Olaoye, O.A. and Ogunbanwo, S. T. (2002). Influence of lactic cultures on the quality attributes of tsire, a West African stick meat.  World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.  18, 615-619.

 45. Oguntoyinbo, F. A., Onilude, A.A. and Sanni, A.I. (2001). Microflora and proximate composition of okpehe, a fermented condiment from Prosopis africana seeds. Adv. Food  Sci. 23, 165-170.

 46. Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A., Ogunbanwo, S.T., Fadahunsi, I. F. and Afolabi, R.O. (2002). Production of exopolysaccharide by lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional fermented foods in Nigeria.  Euro. Food Res. Technol   214, 405-40

 47. Asiedu, M and Sanni, A.I. (2002). Chemical composition and                      Microbiological changes during spontaneous and starter culture                      fermentation of Enam Ne Setaakye, a West African fermented fish-                     carbohydrate product.  Euro. Food Res. Technol215, 8-12

 48.  Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A., Fadahunsi, I.F., Ogunbanwo, S.T and Afolabi, R.O. (2002). Selection of starter cultures for the production of ugba, a fermented soup condiment. Euro. Food Res. Technol. 215 (2) 176-180.

 49. Sanni, A.I., Sefa-Dedeh, S., Sakyi-Dawson, E and Asiedu, M. (2002).             Microbiological evaluation of Ghanaian maize dough co-fermented with cowpea. Int. Jour. Food Sci. and Nutrition 53 (5), 367-373.   

 50.   Sanni, A.I., Ayernor, G.S. and Asiedu, M. (2002). Microflora and chemical      composition of momoni, a Ghanaian fermented fish condiment. Jour. Food Comp. and Analysis  15 (5), 577-583  

 51.  Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A., Ogunbanwo, S.T. and Fadahunsi, I. F.(2003). Growth and acid production of lactic acid bacteria in cowpea milk. Research Communications in Microbiology 1(1), 40-45  

 52.  Babalola, O.O., Osir, E.O. and Sanni, A.I. (2002). Characterization of potential ethylene-producing rhizosphere bacteria of Striga-infested maize and sorghum. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 1(2) 67-69

 53.   Ogunbanwo, S.T., Sanni, A.I. and Onilude A.A. (2003) Influence of cultural conditions on the production of bacteriocin by Lactobacillus brevis OG1.  Afr. J. Biotechnol. 2 (7), 179-184.

 54.  Ogunbanwo, S.T., Sanni, A.I. and Onilude A.A. (2003) Characterization of bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus plantarum F1 and L. brevis OG1.  Afr. J. Biotechnol. 2 (8), 219-227.  

 55.  Babalola, O.O., Osir, E.O., Sanni, A.I., Odhiambo, G.D and Bulimo, W.D. (2003). Amplification of 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic (ACC) deaminase from plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in Striga-infested soil. Afr. J. Biotechnol  2 (6), 157-160.

 56.  Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A.., Fadahunsi, I. F. and Ogunbanwo, S.T (2002). Microbiology and amino acid composition of sekete beer. Research Communications in Food Science 1 (1) 29-35.

 57.   Sanni, A.I., Onilude, A.A., Ogunbanwo, S.T and Fadahunsi, I. F. (2002). Growth and acid production of lactic acid bacteria in cowpea milk. Research Communications in Food Science 1 (1) 40 - 45.  

 58.  Ogunbanwo, S.T., Sanni, A.I. and Onilude A.A. (2004) Influence of bacteriocin in the control of Escherichia coli infection of broiler chickens in Nigeria. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol . 20, 51-56  

 59. Ogunbanwo, S.T., Sanni, A.I. and Onilude A.A. (2004) Effect of bacteriocinogenic Lactobacillus spp. on the shelf life of fufu, a traditional fermented cassava product. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol .

20, 57-63

 60. Babalola, O. O., Sanni, A.I. and Odhiambo, G.D. (2004). Isolation of rhizobacteria associated with maize and assessment of their potential for use in Striga hermonthica (Del.). Benth. suicidal germination J. Tropical Microbiology 3 (1), 64 –70.

 61. Onilude, A. A., Sanni, A. I. and Ighalo, M. I. (2004). Process upgrade and the microbiological, nutritional and consumer acceptability of infant weaning food from fermented composite blends of cereals and soybean. J. Food , Agric & Environ 2, 64-68.  

62. Asagbra, A. E., Sanni, A. I. and Oyewole, O. B. (2005) Solid-state fermentation production of tetracycline by Streptomyces strains using some agricultural wastes as substrate. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol . 21, 107-114.

 63. Edema, M.O., Sanni, L. O. and Sanni, A. I. (2005) Evaluation of maize-soybean flour blends for sour maize bread production in Nigeria. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 4 (9), 911-918.

 64. Edema, M.O. and Sanni, A. I. (2006) Micro-population of fermenting maize meal for sour maize bread production in Nigeria. Nig. J. Microbiol 20 (2) 937 – 946.  

 65. Asagbra, A. E., Sanni, A. I. and Oyewole, O. B. (2006) Improvement of tetracycline production by Streptomyces sp. OXC1 in medium containing organic nitrogen and lipids. Inter. J. of Biosciences 3 (4) 7-14.

 66. Oguntoyinbo, F. A. and Sanni, A. I. (2007a). Determination of toxigenic potentials of Bacillus strains isolated from okpehe, a Nigerian fermented condiment. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 23, 65 – 70. Read Abstract

 67. Oguntoyinbo, F. A., Sanni, A. I., Franz, C. M. A. P. and Holzapfel, W. H.

(2007b). Phenotypic diversity and technological properties of Bacillus

subtilis species isolated from okpehe, a traditional fermented condiment.

World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 23, 401 – 410.

   68. Oguntoyinbo, F. A., Sanni, A. I., Franz, C. M. A. P. And Holzapfel, W. H.

(2007c). In-vitro fermentation studies for selection and evaluation of

Bacillus strains as starter cultures for the production of okpehe,

a traditional African fermented condiment Inter. J. Food Microbiol.

113, 208 – 218. Read Abstract

 69. Asagbra, A. E., Sanni, A. I. and Oyewole, O. B. (2008) Characterization

and fermentation studies on a Streptomyces strain of Nigerian soil

origin. Jour. of Industrial Research & Technol. 1, 1-9      

 70. M. O. Edema and A. I. Sanni (2008). Functional properties of selected

starter cultures for sour maize bread. Food Microbiol. 25, 616-625.

 71. F. A. Oguntoyinbo, M. Huch, G. Cho. U. Schillinger, W. H. Holzapfel,

A. I. Sanni and C. M. A. P. Franz (2010). Diversity of Bacillus species

isolated from Okpehe, a traditional fermented soup condiment from

 Nigeria. J. Food Protection  73 (5), 870-878. Read Abstract

 72.  Sanni, A.I., Franz, C. M. A. P., Schilinger, U., Huch, M., Guigas, C and Holzapfel, W. H. (2011) Characterization and technological properties of predominant lactic acid bacteria from fufu and ogi, traditional fermented foods from cassava and maize. Inter. J. Food Microbol. (submitted)