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My field of research is Mushroom Biotechnology. Owing to the nutritional importance of mushroom to humans, an aspect of my work has focused on the cultivation of local and exotic mushroom species such as Lentinus squarrosulus, Pleurotus tuber-regium, P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius on different agricultural wastes with various additives. The knowledge of their nutritional requirements through research findings, have enhanced their cultivation. The increasing concern of the human population on indiscriminate deposition of agricultural wastes into the environment, has made me to focus on assessing the biodegradation ability of the white-rot fungi (mushrooms) on the wastes. This aspect of the research work was extended to improvement, strain selection, lignocellulolytic enzyme activities and sugar release of the species under solid state fermentation. Bioremediation of polluted soils by white-rot fungi is another area of my research work. The studies aimed at using both local and exotic species to bioremediate different types of soils polluted with materials such as crude oil, cement, diesel, engine oils and cutting fluids. Following the amelioration of the polluted soils, they became useful for the cultivation of vegetables. In view of the fact that spent engine oils are indiscriminately discharged into the environment, the effect of this on various growth parameters of vegetables were investigated.



(i) Completed

(a) Cultivation of local and exotic white-rot fungi

The cultivation of local mushrooms such as Lentinus squarrosulus, Pleurotus tuber-regium as well as exotic species such as P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius on different agricultural wastes with various additives was embarked upon. The nutritional requirement of some white-rot fungi was also investigated. Publications derived from these studies are 4, 5, 8, 19 and 24.

(b)Biodegradation of agricultural wastes by white-rot fungi

Further to the research on cultivation of white-rot fungi, it became necessary to assess the ability of white-rot fungi to degrade agricultural wastes which are a nuisance to the environment. Preliminary studies on mating and improvement selection and lignocellulolytic  enzyme activities  and sugar release under solid state fermentation of a local species, L. squarrosulus were undertaken at the Mushroom Biology and Fungal Biotechnology Laboratory, North Carolina A$T University, Greensboro, NC,  USA. The results are presented in papers 7, 16, 17, 23 and 27.

(c) Bioremediation of polluted soils by white-rot fungi

The research which started in 2005 aimed at determining the ability of both local and exotic white-rot fungi to bioremediate different types of polluted soils. Post fungal treatment showed increase in nutrient contents, bioaccumulation of heavy metals, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) loss after incubation with the fungi. The results are of importance for bioremediation of polluted soils. Soils polluted with crude oil, cement, diesel, engine oil and cutting fluids were tested using the macrofungi, P. ostreatus, P. pulmonarius, P. tuber-regium, and Lentinus subnudus, (syn L. squarrosulus). The results are presented in papers 1, 3, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 22, 25 and 26.

(d) Nutritional values and  effect of spent engine oil on growth parameters in vegetables

Studies were conducted to determine the nutritional values of some tropical vegetables and the effect of spent engine oil on various growth parameters, chlorophyll and moisture contents. As spent engine oil had adverse effects on plant growth parameters, it should be properly disposed. Findings of this aspect of my work are presented in papers 9, 19 and 14.

(ii) In progress

(a)   Bioremediation studies of PAH and PCB fractions and Molecular Analysis

White-rot fungi including Pleurotus species are capable of breaking down Polyaromatics (PAHs) and Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) into different fractions due to their ability to secrete lignocellulolytic enzymes which are important in oxidizing persistent pollutants. The work  aims at  determining the various fractions by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spetrophotometry and cation-exchange analysis of such samples. This would also enable one to characterize the genes that are regulated during growth and give a better understanding of the gene fractions involved by white-rot fungi during bioremediation.

(b) Cultivation, mating type and molecular characterization of selected indigenous mushroom species

The cultivation of some local mushroom species on commercial basis is in progress. Large scale production of mushroom will provide a cheaper source of protein to the populace. Knowing the mating type patterns of local mushroom will enhance better yield and greater biological efficiency.

(iii)Dissertation and Thesis

(a) M.Sc. Dissertation: Effect of additives on growth of Pleurotus sajor-cajuon cassava peels.University of Ibadan, Ibadan (1986).

(b) Ph.D. Thesis: Digestibility of selected agricultural wastes and bioremediation of oil-polluted soils by Pleurotus tuber-regium and Lentinus subnudus. University of Ibadan, Nigeria (2003).