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Bolarinwa's Research

(a). Completed:

1)      Mineralogical, chemical and industrial assessment of clays in Abeokuta, Iwo and Ijebu Districts in southwestern Nigeria as well as those of Yaounde area in southern Cameroon.

2)      Mineralogical, chemical and industrial evaluation of talc bodies in Iseyin and Ilesha schist belts, southwestern Nigeria.

3)      Mineralogical, geochemical and industrial evaluation of gypsum deposits in Sokoto Basin, NW Nigeria and the Guyuk area of the Upper Benue Trough, northeastern Nigeria.

4)      Mineralogical, chemical and industrial evaluation of limestone deposits in Benue    Trough, northeastern Nigeria.

5)      Mineralogical and geochemical trends in weathering profiles over basement rocks.

6)      Petrogenesis and tectogenesis of basement rocks in southern and northern Nigeria.

7)      Geochemical exploration for basemetals and graphite in Igbo-Ora, Southwestern Nigeria.

8)      Studies of groundwater within the lateritic profiles of Ibadan, Lagos and Ilorin areas, southwestern Nigeria.



(b). In Progress:


(1). Compositional and industrial evaluation of barite and shale deposits in Benue Trough, northeastern Nigeria.

The mineralogy, chemistry and evaluation of barite deposits within the shale formations in the Benue Trough are being examined to determine the origin, nature of the fluid and functional application of the barite deposit. Preliminary results indicate marine origin for the concordant type while the vein types are hydrothermal. The outcome of the research is being processed for publication.


(2). Mineralogical and geochemical studies of Banded Iron Formation in the Basement Complex of northeastern part of Nigeria:

The occurrence of Banded Iron formation in the northeastern Nigeria is being investigated. Preliminary result showed that the evolution of the BIF involved metamorphism of chemically precipitated or rhythmical deposited iron-rich sediments into hematite/goethite-quartz rocks. The outcome of the research is being processed for publication.


(3). Petrography and geochemical studies of galena deposits in the Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria:

Preliminary results obtained from mineralogy, chemical and paragenetic studies showed that the galena obtained from the middle Benue trough is closely associated with the hydrothermally generated vein type barite from the same area. The outcome of the research is being processed for publication.


(4). Environmental geochemical assessment of mining districts in southwestern Nigeria:

Groundwater, stream, stream sediments and soil in mining districts in southwestern Nigeria are susceptible to chemical contamination or pollution. Some of these mining districts are being investigated for possible soil, stream and stream sediment contamination/pollution. The study would also examine possible mitigating methods. The outcome of the research is being processed for publication.


(c).     Project, Dissertation and Thesis:

(1).  Bolarinwa, A.T. (1992). Geological evaluation of the residual clays in parts of Ekiti, southwestern Nigeria. M.Sc. Project, University of Ibadan. 121p.


(2).  Bolarinwa, A.T (2001). Compositional characteristics and economic potentials of the lateritic profiles over basement and sedimentary rocks in Ibadan – Abeokuta area, southwestern Nigeria. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 255p.


(3).       Bolarinwa, A.T. (2006). Teaching of Economic Geology in the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching Higher Education (PGDTHE) Professional Practice Project Report, Department of Teacher Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 72p.