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Ayoade, A. A. (2007): Age and growth of butter catfish Schilbe mystus from two lakes, southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Science Vol. 2, No. 2, 110-119. www.scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1816-4927
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Ogbuagu, D. H., Ayoade, A. A., and AC-Chukwocha, N. B. (2011): Spatial dynamics in physico-chemistry and bacterio- and myco-plankton assemblages of Imo River in a Niger Delta community in Nigeria. African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 5, No. 8, 872-887. www.academicjournals.org/journal/AJMR
Ayoade, A. A. (2011): Length-weight relationship and diet of African Carp Labeo ogunensis (Boulenger, 1910) in Asejire Lake southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science Vol. 6, No. 4, 472-478. www.scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1816-4927
Ayoade, A. A. (2011): Population characteristics of Schilbe mystus (Linne, 1758) from two different habitats: Asejire and Oyan Lakes southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science Vol. 6, No. 5, 571-577. www.scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1816-4927
Ayoade, A. A. (2011): The length-weight relationship of Schilbe mystus (Linne, 1766) from two man-made lakes in south-western Nigeria. The Zoologist Vol. 9, 38 - 43. www.ajol.info/index.php/tzool
Ogbuagu, D. H. and Ayoade, A. A. (2011): Estimation of primary production along gradients of the middle course of Imo River in Etche, Nigeria. International Journal of Biosciences Vol.1, No. 4, 68-73. www.innspub.net/international-journal-of-biosciences-ijb/
Ogbuagu, D. H., Njoku, J. D. and Ayoade, A. A. (2011): Trends in macrobenthal biotypes of Imo River in a Nigerian Delta Region. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences Vol.1, No.4, 22-28. www.innspub.net/journal/journal-of-biodiversity-and-environmental-scien…