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 (a) Completed

(1)        Metal tolerance and antibiotics susceptibility in bacteria from abattoir effluent.

(2)        Removal of metal species from selected wastewaters using metal-resistant bacterial strains.

(3)        Dual tolerance of bacteria from spent engine oil contaminated site to hydrocarbons and selected metals

(b) In Progress

Bioremediation of printing wastewater

Molecular characterization and metal tolerance profile of bacteria isolated from different wastewater sources, and the utilization of the strains in environmental bioremediation of toxic pollutants. This study focuses on the molecular studies and occurrence of metal-resistance genes in metal-resistant bacteria isolated from the wastewater of selected printing press in Ibadan, Nigeria and the potentials of the bacterial strains in the remediation of the wastewater. This is my Ph.D. research and the thesis has already been submitted to the Postgraduate school and I am awaiting oral examination.

Biodegradation of toxic compounds

Biodegradation of selected toxic compounds in domestic and industrial wastewater. This study deals with the ability of bacterial strains to degrade some compounds such as Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and some other toxic chemicals present in wastewater samples. Samples have been collected from detergent and laundry wastewater and the bacteria obtained from the effluent are being screened for their tolerance to toxic chemicals in the wastewater.

(c) Dissertations and Thesis

(1)       Bioleaching and Biobeneficiation potentials of bacteria isolated from Chalcopyrite (M.Sc. Dissertation, 2010)